Altai honey with motherwort

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+7 (961) 993-26-19
  1. Cup container 15, 33 kilos
  2. Plastic buckets 1.5, 3, 4.5 kilos

Ingredients: natural honey, motherwort extract.

Plant extracts are obtained by low-temperature technologies, allowing to fully extract and preserve the biologically active substances of plants. The product is made on the basis of high-quality Altai honey. The combination of extracts with natural honey doubles the strength and improves the availability of biologically active substances for the body, which allows to achieve the maximum healing effect.

Honey will help you calm down, put your nerves in order, normalize sleep and improve your mood. Motherwort has a calming effect on the central nervous system. It is also recommended to take to normalize cardiac activity, reduce blood pressure and arousal.

In herbal medicine are recommended for increased nervous irritability, increased psychological stress, irritability, anxiety, insomnia, stress, sleep disturbance.

Motherwort is a perennial herb belonging to the family of Lamiaceae. For medicinal purposes, the upper flowering parts of the plant are used - shoots, which contain a huge number of various useful substances, including alkaloids (leonurin, leopuridine), stachidrin, essential oil, falavonoids (rutin, quercetin, quinqueloside), saponins, bitter, tannic and sugary substances , vitamins A, E, C, organic acids (P-coumarinic, malic, tartaric, ursolic, citric, vanilla). Consider the composition of motherwort and its effect on the body.

Useful properties of motherwort

Motherwort is characterized by the possession of numerous beneficial properties.

It is most popular as a tool that is used for disorders and diseases of the reproductive system in women. Useful properties of motherwort have found application in painful irregularly occurring menstruation, as well as during childbirth. Traditional Chinese medicine recommends the use of motherwort in the treatment of a number of diseases and disorders of the reproductive system, including irregular menstrual cycles, menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome, as well as infertility.

In addition, the beneficial properties of motherwort allow it to be widely used to strengthen and treat the cardiovascular system. Motherwort stimulates the work of the heart muscles, especially during pregnancy and during childbirth, when there is an increase in the load on the heart. Phytotherapists recommended motherwort for the treatment of heart palpitations, the cause of which is increased nervousness and the transfer of stress, and arrhythmias. The bitter glycosides contained in motherwort temporarily lower blood pressure.

Motherwort also has an antibacterial effect, so it can be used in the treatment of irritations, dermatitis and minor skin lesions. Essential oils in motherwort are added to many cosmetic and hygiene products.

Often, motherwort is recommended for people who have had serious illnesses that could deplete the body, or who have anemia. Motherwort has the ability to get rid of the effects of serious infectious or colds.

Huge healing properties are characteristic for motherwort juice, since it contains much more active substances than tincture or decoction. Motherwort also has the ability to quickly remove harmful substances from the body, such as sodium salts or nitrogenous toxins, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the gall and bladder, kidneys, liver and heart.

The composition of motherwort

Motherwort includes glycosides (for example, hyperoside), bioflavonoids (rutin), alkaloids (choline), essential oil, beta-carotene (provitamin A), mineral salts, ascorbic acid, bitterness and other substances.