Jantak honey (Kazakhstan)

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Manager's phone
+7 (961) 993-26-19
  1. Cup container 15, 33 kilos
  2. Plastic buckets 1.5, 3, 4.5 kilos

Jantak honey (Kazakhstan)

In the desert regions in the south of Central Asia, Russia and the Caucasus, there is a strange plant of the legume family - a camel thorn. Despite this name, it is distinguished by beautiful, delicate colors. Dzhartak, also called the camel thorn, adorns the harsh lifeless steppes until late autumn and brings diversity to the desert landscape of the hot south. It is in such areas that unusual honey from a camel thorn comes for bribes.

- micro and macrocells (potassium, iodine, silicon, phosphorus, aluminum, copper, calcium)

- vitamins (B, C, K, E, PP)

- amino acids, antioxidants

- squirrels

- enzymes.

Flavonoids, catechins, alkaloids, coumarins, organic acids, which are rich in all melliferous tissues, give healing properties to honey; nectar contains the quintessence of these compounds. For camel spike honey, a high glucose content is characteristic. Therefore, very little time passes between spinning and full crystallization. It thickens very quickly and acquires a crystalline rather dense structure.

In addition to such specific indications, its beneficial properties differ little from other varieties of honey:

- An indispensable assistant in the restoration of immunity, with severe stress and physical exertion.

- It will help restore peace of mind and sleep, correct prolonged depression, and gently affect the nervous system.

Of course, treatment for the common cold, sore throat, bronchitis or flu will not do without it.

Its use in cosmetology is only gaining momentum, and, unfortunately, is extremely limited due to the narrow range of honey plant growth:

it nourishes the skin perfectly

restores and improves color

relieves swelling and inflammation.