Altai buckwheat honey

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Manager's phone
+7 (961) 993-26-19
  1. Cup container 15, 33 kilos
  2. Plastic buckets 1.5, 3, 4.5 kilos

Altai buckwheat honey

Place of collection: Altai Territory. Fine or medium consistency.

Buckwheat honey is extracted from the nectar of flowering buckwheat, which in our country grows a huge amount. Buckwheat honey contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins B1, B2, PP, as well as iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus, boron, zinc, iodine, nickel, cobalt. Buckwheat honey is very rich in trace elements, it contains twice as many essential amino acids as any other light honey,

The high content of iron and protein gives buckwheat honey extremely useful properties, such as purification of blood vessels, blood renewal, increase of hemoglobin level, and regeneration of damaged tissues.

In folk medicine, buckwheat honey is common in the treatment of anemia, anemia, chronic gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice. Buckwheat honey has indications for the treatment of hypertension, is used for radiation sickness, hemorrhages in the brain and retina, to improve capillary permeability, for rheumatism, scarlet fever, and measles.

As a preventive measure and treatment, buckwheat honey is used for cardiovascular diseases. Being an excellent antiseptic, buckwheat honey when applied topically effectively treats skin diseases such as purulent wounds, furunculosis, trophic ulcers. Buckwheat honey is useful for pregnant women, is used in diabetic and baby food, and is also an excellent sedative.

Beautiful brown color, with a specific taste and smell. Having tried buckwheat honey, you will not confuse it with another: spicy, tart. It crystallizes quickly, retains transparency for a short time. There are more vitamins and minerals in this type of honey than in others. Buckwheat honey has very strong bactericidal properties, especially regarding staphylococci. Used for anemia, a decrease in the body's defenses, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

A true pantry of vitamins and minerals. It balances the composition of vitamins and minerals, is used in the fight against vitamin deficiency. It can be consumed by children who are prone to frequent colds, weakened by disease. Strengthens blood vessels, has a good effect on blood composition, helps to normalize blood pressure.