Altai forest honey

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Manager's phone
+7 (961) 993-26-19
  1. Cup container 15, 33 kilos
  2. Plastic buckets 1.5, 3, 4.5 kilos

Altai forest honey

Forest honey can no doubt be called elite honey, claiming first place among Russian honey for its unique medicinal properties and unique taste.

Forest honey can have various color shades: from dark brown to light yellow. Honey has a strong and pleasant aroma, unique delicate taste.

The composition of forest honey can include all the variety of forest plants: linden, mountain ash, blackberries, willow, angelica, bird cherry, fireweed, hawthorn, wild strawberries, clover, blueberries, raspberries, etc. Forest honey has a rich content of vitamins (A, B1, B2 , B6, C, PP, K, E, etc.) and trace elements.

Forest honey is an excellent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and painkiller, it has healing and nutritional properties. Forest honey contributes to the increase of hemoglobin in the blood with its regular use, is actively used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. Forest honey is also useful for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.