Altai taiga honey

+7 (961) 993-26-19
- Cup container 15, 33 kilos
- Plastic buckets 1.5, 3, 4.5 kilos
Altai taiga honey
Place of collection: Altayskiy kray.
Taiga honey is extracted from the nectar of taiga medicinal herbs, which are widely used in folk medicine: fireweed, ledum, raspberry, clover, bear pipe, angelica, mountain ash, ivan tea, goldenrod, strawberries, melilot, sow thistle. It is believed that honey preserves all the healing properties of these herbs. The color of taiga honey varies from dark to light shades of brown.
Taiga honey is used to prevent and treat chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, liver, gynecology, heart, blood vessels, central nervous system. Also, taiga honey is recommended for use in viral and colds, anemia, low immunity, loss of strength, stress, fatigue, and insomnia. Taiga honey has a restorative, soothing, anti-inflammatory, diuretic effect.
Taiga honey has pronounced healing and taste qualities, a pleasant aroma.
In addition, their gathering places are the most environmentally friendly areas of Altai.
The taste is very saturated, it contains a large number of honey plants of wild taiga herbs, which create that rich aftertaste that leaves no one indifferent!