Altai honey with chamomile

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+7 (961) 993-26-19
  1. Cup container 15, 33 kilos
  2. Plastic buckets 1.5, 3, 4.5 kilos

Ingredients: natural honey, chamomile extract.

Plant extracts are obtained by low-temperature technologies, allowing to fully extract and preserve the biologically active substances of plants. The product is made on the basis of high-quality Altai honey. The combination of extracts with natural honey doubles the strength and improves the availability of biologically active substances for the body, which allows to achieve the maximum healing effect.

The healing properties of chamomile and honey have been known for centuries, their combination can significantly strengthen the immune system, stop inflammation, lower the temperature, and cope with many diseases.

Composition of chamomile:

carotene, vitamins C, B4; biologically active substances (flavonoids, chamazulen, derivatives of phytosterol, aligenin, coumarin, matricin); chamomile essential oil (the content in dry flowers reaches 1%, has a blue color); organic acids (salicylic, phenolcarboxylic, isovalerianic); bitterness, mucus, polyacetylenes containing macro-, microelements; polyene mixtures; polysaccharides; gum; tannins.

Chamomile treatment is used in relation to pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), gynecological sphere, urogenital and other body systems as the main or additional therapy. The use of the plant for cosmetic purposes is also relevant, since it has a whole range of medicinal properties: disinfectant, anti-allergenic, antiseptic, carminative.

In addition, the regular use of this plant material helps to cope with convulsions, improve the central nervous system, and strengthen immunity. Also, the plant has the ability to relax the smooth muscles of internal organs and blood vessels, has choleretic, diuretic properties. In relation to the digestive tract, chamomile for the intestine plays an important role, because it regulates gas formation, helps fight ulcers, gastritis, and colitis. In addition, the plant is effective in the treatment of diseases of the liver, biliary tract. The action of chamomile over time leads to a stable sedative effect, helps to fight with depressive states, and stops age-related psychoemotional disorders during menopause.

In addition, the application has a beneficial effect on the work of the following body systems:

gastrointestinal tract (improved digestion, increased appetite, decreased gas formation, microflora regulation, choleretic effect);

integuments, mucous membranes of internal organs (anti-inflammatory effect);

pathology of the respiratory system (removal of edema and spasm, relief of coughing);

relief of toothache, headache (migraine);

cardiovascular system (leukocyte synthesis, heart rate improvement);

disruption of the nervous system (anxiety, fear, depressive disorders, nervousness, insomnia, hot flashes during menopause).

The medicinal properties of the plant help fight various pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems of the body. In addition, plant materials have antiseptic properties that contribute to the rapid healing of wounds, ulcers, thermal burns, acne, boils, acne. Therapeutic chamomile helps with stomatitis, periodontal disease, inflammation of the mucous membranes.