Altai mountain honey

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+7 (961) 993-26-19
  1. Cup container 15, 33 kilos
  2. Plastic buckets 1.5, 3, 4.5 kilos

Altai mountain honey

Foothill areas are distinguished by the abundant flowering of rare but useful honey plants. The growth of flowers in areas with clean air endows the product with healing properties, so mountain honey is considered valuable nectar. There are several varieties, each of which is distinguished by features in appearance and chemical composition. Honey, which is harvested in the mountains, shows beneficial properties and contraindications, which is typical for each beekeeping product.

Altai mountain honey - a diverse palette of colors: light, dark, amber, greenish shades. The aroma absorbed the smells of mountain honey plants, the taste stands out for sweetness, astringency. Appearance depends on the area of ​​collection.

stimulation of the immune system, creating a protective barrier;

bactericidal, destructive effect on viruses, fungi;

digestion improvement;

calming effect on the nervous system, elimination of insomnia, stress, depression;

saturation of the body with iron - useful for anemia;

healing of wounds, ulcers that form on the skin, mucous membranes;

recovery after heavy loads, diseases, operations;

elimination of signs of an inflammatory reaction;

purification of blood vessels, a positive effect on the circulatory system;

appetite improvement.

The listed varieties differ in appearance, taste and aromatic characteristics, and chemical composition. Varieties are united by the ecological purity of the product due to the location of honey plants near the mountains.

Composition and calorie content

The chemical composition depends on the location of honey plants, but it was possible to identify common components:

carbohydrates - 70–74%, of which 38–40% fall on fruit sugar, and 35–37% fall on glucose;

moisture - 17–19%;

protein substances - 0.4-0.6%;

lipids, fatty acids - not detected;

vitamins - ascorbic acid, tocopherols, groups B and K;

minerals, trace elements - fluorine, chromium, manganese, iron, copper, calcium;

organic acids - tartaric, lactic, citric, oxalic;

enzymes, amino acid profile;

tannins, tannins, antioxidants.

Mountain honey - useful properties

The benefits of mountain honey are taken from nectar and pollen of plants, and then multiplied by insects during processing. Healing is manifested by a beneficial effect on the body. Useful qualities:

stimulation of the immune system, creating a protective barrier;

bactericidal, destructive effect on viruses, fungi;

digestion improvement;

calming effect on the nervous system, elimination of insomnia, stress, depression;

saturation of the body with iron - useful for anemia;

healing of wounds, ulcers that form on the skin, mucous membranes;

recovery after heavy loads, diseases, operations;

elimination of signs of an inflammatory reaction;

purification of blood vessels, a positive effect on the circulatory system;

appetite improvement.